This is how we in If work with sustainability
If is committed to promoting sustainability, as it is central to the company and its stakeholders.
If is committed to promoting sustainability, as it is central to the company and its stakeholders.
A sustainable development requires partnerships between governments, civil society and the private sector.
Businesses have a key role to play, as we are investing in the technologies, products and, above all, people needed for a sustainable development. A well-functioning, sound and stable insurance market is of major importance to society at large.
We provide social and economic security to customers through high-quality insurance products and have been working with environmental issues for many years. We are now broadening the scope and highlighting the links between the environmental, social and economic dimensions.
If is willing to share aggregated climate-related loss data to public authorities that want to use the information for research purposes to improve society's adaptation to climate change. The data is shared free of charge. For more information, please contact If's Head of Sustainability Philip Thörn.
We have, based on interviews with customers, employees, management, partners and local community, and other research material identified five sustainability areas which form the base for our work:
Preventing losses through close cooperation with our clients has always been a part of our key strategy at If. For that reason, the work of the Risk Engineer has always been to prevent environmental impact by losses.
Listen to what our Risk Engineers say about sustainability.
The environmental impact of a fire, read the article and listen to our podcast with James Morrell, UK
Risk Management in times of transition, podcast with Andreas Kräling, Sweden
Sustainable loss prevention work, read the article and listen to our podcast with Anders Rørvik Ellingbø, Norway
Philip Thörn
Head of Sustainability, If
Send email
Mobil: +46 709 853811