Insurance company in a nutshell

Facts about If

If offers a full range of P&C insurance solutions and services to a broad customer base, from private individuals to large corporate customers.

President and CEO

Morten Thorsrud


If P&C Insurance Holding Ltd (publ) is part of the Nordic insurance group Sampo.

Company information

If Skadeförsäkring AB         
Postal address: If, 106 80 Stockholm, Sweden
Visit: Barks väg 15, Bergshamra, Stockholm, Sweden

Registered domicile: Stockholm

Organisation number:  516401-8102

See If's legal structure

Market position

If is the leading property and casualty insurer in the Nordic region.

Number of employees

Approximately 8,200

Insurance premiums

67 billion SEK in 2024

Number of customers

Approximately 4 million customers in the Nordic and Baltic countries.

Claims handling

If handles over 1,4 million claims annually. Half of them are handled within 24 hours from reporting.