If has already launched the implementation of sustainability in our underwriting. We assess our customers from an ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) perspective to ensure focus on sustainability based on the principles from UN Global Compact. If is part of the volunteer network UN Global Compact through our owner company Sampo.
Transparency for investors, customers and partners
Progress towards Science Based Targets will be reported transparently and publicly: The targets will be communicated to customers, investors and other stakeholders, and progress will be disclosed annually.
Since 2008, If has achieved a reduction in CO2 emissions from own operations by 59 percent. If expects that our coming ambitious climate goals will create an increased effect throughout the company’s approximately 3.000 partners in the automotive and car-workshop industry and almost 1.000 suppliers in the recover and reconstruction businesses.
Already today we support and encourage claims handling contractors to work ambitiously on sustainability. All contractors must respect If’s Supplier Code of Conduct, which covers human rights, labor rights, environment and anti-corruption. In addition, If has sector-specific environmental requirements for property and vehicle repair contractors.
If’s priority is to ensure that waste and materials from repair processes are managed in the best possible way, and we encourage our contractors to minimize consumption of resources and materials and to reuse and recycle as much as possible.
CEO Morten Thorsrud states that the efforts to minimize greenhouse emissions will be intensified across the entire supply chain in If: