We do not tolerate any kind of fraud in If
Insurance is founded on mutual trust between the insurer and the policyholder. In order to earn trust from our customers and to fulfil If’s corporate social responsibility, If needs to protect our customer’s interests, the company’s interests and the insurance collective’s interest by actively preventing, detecting and rejecting fraud, for instance:
- insurance fraud
- claims fraud
- partner fraud, or
- other fraudulent activity directed towards If.
Prevention of fraud
If’s products, services and working practices are arranged in such a way that they do not encourage or facilitate insurance fraud, claims fraud or partner fraud.
We work actively to prevent fraud also on a societal level, by using our insight and experience in cooperation with authorities and other relevant stakeholders for the mutual benefit of the insurance collective.
Detection of fraud
Internal control measures are in place in order to detect signs of fraud committed by customers, employees, partners, vendors and/or other service providers who is representing If or deliver goods and services to or on behalf of If.
Rejection of fraud
If has an Investigation Unit that is responsible for supporting the organisation in their efforts to combat fraud, and to investigate suspected fraud towards If.
Read more about Anti-Fraud statement for the Netherlands here