Podcast: Young employees' mental wellbeing at work
How can employers support the mental well-being of young adults, help them develop in their work, and what is the role of managers in all this?
How can employers support the mental well-being of young adults, help them develop in their work, and what is the role of managers in all this?
Mental health problems are the most common cause of temporary or permanent occupational disability in the Nordic countries and the leading cause for sick leave.
In Finland, an alarming 80 % of disabilities among employees under 35 in the Finnish workforce is due to issues with mental health. In Denmark every fifth young adult experience issues with mental health. Forty-two percent feel their ability to work is affected by problems with mental wellbeing (The Nordic Health Survey, 2023).
Companies have an important role to play when it comes to mitigating mental health risks in young adults. The focus needs to be on early intervention and prevention. Watch our podcast, and take a deep dive into this issue with Vilma Torkko, Katrine Ravn and Tuomas Kaleva.