New Green Energy Underwriting unit serving Large Enterprises

A new Underwriting (UW) unit has been established to focus on Green Energy and Construction. If’s Industrial business area is putting more muscle behind our ambitions, with greater focus on this growing market area, as well as on our Green Energy ambitions.  

Johanna Mola, Head of Property Underwriting, Business Area Industrial, If

Johanna Mola, Head of Property Underwriting explains that “Over the years, the planning around Green Energy strategy has been a focus area for Industrial leaders and our Competence Centres alike. In these efforts, it was clear that, at some point, an organisational change would be needed to support our Green Energy ambitions even more. Today, we believe that the time has come.”  

She continues, “The market is ready, with many exciting opportunities coming in. For us, it means we need to take the next step. The evolution of our dedicated Competence Centres will be in the form of gathering our project expertise with a special focus on Green Energy.”  

Focusing on key areas  

Looking at Green Energy, the transition and development of energy types continues at an ever-increasing pace. Industries and societies alike will continue to shift towards renewable energy sources and focus on sustainable solutions.  

Simultaneously, we see that construction projects, and projects in general, are increasingly more sustainable, from wooden constructions to increased demand for the utilisation of renewable sources of power.

Kristine Birk Wagner
Kristine Birk Wagner, Group Senior Vice President & Head of Underwriting at If Business Area Industrial

Supporting clients in their green transition

Kristine Birk Wagner, If Group Senior Vice President & Head of Underwriting, BA Industrial says, “by continually gaining competencies and relying on our experienced underwriters, we ensure that we stay ahead of technological developments and emerging risks within the area of green energy.”  

"As the market leader in the Nordics, we are in a unique position to support our clients with a strong international network, alongside experienced underwriters as well as in-depth green energy Risk Management competencies", she explains.

Kristine concludes, “Every day, we work with our clients to help them manage the risks, this includes those risks which relate to their green ambitions. Together, we reduce risks and thereby costs, by providing state-of-the-art loss prevention services. We share insights, expertise, and help enable companies to adapt to operating in a changing environment. It makes good business sense, to be as prepared as possible for new climate-related risks, such as flooding, for example. Also, importantly, we support our customers during, and after, an accident or incident – helping them to rebuild and recover their operations.” 

While new technologies are exciting, they also come with unique risks. If’s goal is to help businesses embrace the green transition safely, with practical advice and robust risk management.