At If Insurance, we constantly develop our digital services and work to increase awareness on risk management, while providing our expertise to an unlimited number of clients.
The new self-assessment tools for clients enables them to run a survey independently. The Property tool is especially useful for companies with many small sites, such as warehouses, offices, and hotels. We also provide a tool focusing on travel risk management, aiming to help our client companies assess and improve travel-related safety and risk management. Both tools are simple, easy to utilise and do not require any special technical or risk management capabilities.
Risk management overview
The Property tool makes it possible for the client to compare sites based on systematic criteria and obtain tailormade recommendations for the specific locations. This makes it easier to quickly identify risk areas and focus efforts on the sites that require more attention.
With the new self-assessment tools, clients can also independently and proactively focus their risk management efforts on any of their sites, and evaluate the risks related to specific locations.
“With the self-assessment tools, we can service our clients better. The data makes it easier to steer our resources to locations where we can have the biggest impact. Using these tools, we can get information on locations that we wouldn’t typically visit. Also, our clients can repeat their assessment whenever they need to e.g., to follow up on a development in a single location," says Pekka Sarpila, Head of Property Risk Management Services Finland.
Managing business travel risks
According to Salla Lind-Kohvakka, Nordic Digital Risk Manager, "At If Insurance, we offer our client companies help and support in travel risk management for both the passenger and the employer company. Our latest digital service is a travel safety self-assessment model intended for use by the employer company. It is based on If’s Business Travel Navigator model, which we have been using for years to assess and develop safety together with our client companies.“
She explains that, "Both the Business Travel Navigator and our self-assessment model include different sections that map out risk preparedness, travel safety organisation and other travel safety management practices in the company. The themes of the model are similar to those of ISO 31030.”
"Furthermore, the self-assessment is complemented by digital risk management content for passengers and employers in our Risk Management Library and Learning Hub. They cover good travel safety practices, risk assessment and the employer’s duty of care,” highlights Lind-Kohvakka.
Massive data potential
Laura Rastas Jansson, Head of Property Risk Management Services, explains that some clients have already realised the huge potential that lies in the data gathered. “The data enables further insights, covering the clients’ risk levels on the specific sites, the development of these risks, as well as the detailed recommendations put forward.
This opens a unique possibility to track the risk management work clients do on a continuous basis, while the data generates solutions and recommendations. We then work with clients to analyse this data together to provide the most comprehensive solution.”
“We believe that these new self-assessment tools are easy to use and will increase the awareness of risk management, also among those employees in client companies that normally do not participate in risk management work. Ideally, self-assessment reports can inspire sites to strive to be better than their peers at other sites. Also, for those responsible for risk management on a corporate level, this is a useful tool for conducting comparisons between different sites.”
More tools to come
Today, If Insurance clients can make use of three self-assessment tools in the physical property risk area. These are related to warehouses, offices, and hotels. In Employee Benefits, clients can assess the current state of travel risk management, and identify areas that need improvements in the risk management practices.
At If Insurance, we have many more self-assessment tools in the pipeline and recognise that our clients will benefit from them in relation to time and risk management.