Thirty years in Ukraine
Insurance Company INGO has 30 years of insurance expertise in Ukraine, running a network of about 25 branches across the country. As one of the largest insurance organisations in Ukraine, in terms of premiums written and owned capital, INGO possesses 29 licenses for different types of compulsory and voluntary insurance for corporate and retail clients.
Vibrant insurance market in Singapore
Several If Insurance clients have a presence in Singapore, for example, substantial marine cargo fronting policies are handled there by If partners. There have also been some large losses and we have gained experience in large claims handling together with our Singaporean fronting partners.
Loss prevention work with our clients
In this article, we highlight the responsibilities of a Risk Engineer when it comes to loss prevention work and the environment. The article explores the lifespan of buildings and challenges in selecting construction materials. Listen also to our podcast, you will find the link at the end of this article.