Frequently Asked Questions
You are covered unlimited on Physical therapy and other treatments (deductible NOK 250,- per treatment) when medically necessary to permanently improve functional capacity, illness or injury.
Yes, we can assist you, we request that you register a case and then you will be contacted by a medical adviser.
The insurance covers MRI / X-ray examinations and examination by a medical specialist after referral from your physician. Treatments and operations by referral from the physician are covered when the medical adviser has pre-approved the treatment / surgery.
The first thing you must to do is seek a doctor. If the doctor thinks it is necessary, you are referred to MRI / X-ray examinations or directly to the medical specialist. You need to send us this referral when you register your case.
When you register your case you also need to give as a power of attorney. This authorization gives us the right to obtain relevant medical information about you from a doctor or hospital and also allows us to be able to book appointments on your behalf. When we provide you with treatments, you are in your full right to reject this treatment. If you reject the treatments provided we can no longer guarantee that we can fulfill the agreed time of treatments. The guarantee is for Vertikal Helse only. If you need longer than the agreed waiting time of treatment that is up to you.
We treat your information confidential and according to Norwegian law. No medical information will be given to other than those who are directly involved in the treatment.
You are covered for up to 10 hours treatment at a psychologist subject to a referral from a physician. When you have a referral you must register a case with us.
In addition, you have up to 12 hours of psychological first aid, which also includes other members in your household.
After approx. 7-10 days, the result of the examination is sent to the referring medical specialist. Contact your doctor who will decide if he / she will direct you to other investigations or to a physician. If you are referred to a new examination or to a physician, you can send the referral to us and we can assist you further.
We will contact you within a few business days after we receive your papers. If you have not received confirmation by e-mail or text message, please contact us.
The guarantee time is calculated from the date Vertikal Helse has received valid referral and signed power of attorney.
In order for the referral to be valid, it must have been issued during the last 12 months, during the insurance period and be medically justified. If you are on business travel, vacation or similar stay abroad, the warranty period will be calculated from the time you are back in Norway again.
Expenditure under health insurance must always be pre-approved by Vertikal Helse. This means that one of our medical advisors must always approve the treatment you are covered for.
If the treatment / operation cannot be performed by the public health service within the guarantee time, the insurance also covers reasonable and necessary travel and accommodation expenses. This should always be approved in advance by one of our medical advisers. See also our insurance terms, section 5.1.10
Expenditure under health insurance must always be pre-approved by Vertikal Helse. If you have sent us a fully completed refund form, you will receive your refund refunded within 20 days.
If Vertikal Helse has ordered a surgery for you, you will be given a personal telephone number of your medical advisor who you can call the first five days after surgery.
Your medical advisor will evaluate your needs and give you a phone number you can call. Serious illness includes active treatment and serious illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, neurological diseases and other.
We cooperate with qualified hospitals and treatment centers within the public and private healthcare sectors. Each supplier has been chosen by medical competence and geographical location. In cases where no medical expertise is available in Norway, we will find this expertise in the Nordic countries or Europe to ensure that you receive proper treatment within the warranty period.
Need for specialist consultation?
In the Norwegian health care system, it can sometimes take a long time before you get an appointment for a medical specialist. With health insurance you are guaranteed a consultation within 7 working days and subsequent treatment within 10 business days. The guarantee time is valid from the first working day after the power of attorney and referral from a doctor has been received.
Before hospitalization:
After an appointment with a specialist consultant, you will be contacted by a medical advisor from Vertikal Helse. All treatment that the specialist consultant has referred to will be organized by your medical adviser. Your medical advisor books a surgery and other treatments for you and you will be informed by us per. telephone.
Treatment site:
The information about your illness and the need for surgery or treatment is essential for the choice of treatment site. You will be offered the best and most suitable treatment site according to your treatment needs.
Vertikal Helse uses primarily Norwegian treatment sites, and we recommend that you get the treatment as close to home as possible. However, we also cooperate with high quality treatment locations abroad, recommended for cases where treatment is considered better for than you can get in Norway.
Transport to and from the treatment site:
If you need transportation to or from the place of treatment, Vertikal Helse will cover the necessary costs. In cases where there is a need for special transport or healthcare for medical reasons, this is covered by the health insurance. Expenditure under health insurance must always be pre-approved by Vertikal Helse.
At the treatment site:
When staying at a treatment site in another Scandinavian country, language problems sometimes make it difficult to understand all the information you get. Then Vertikal Helse is the link between you and the treatment site. In cases where surgery / treatment is outside of Scandinavia, we cover costs related to interpreter, if needed.
Information for relatives:
If the patient so wishes and submits a written authorization to Vertikal Helse, a personal medical adviser will offer to inform a representative of the relatives during the treatment process. If the treatment is at a location far from your home, the need for this type of information often increases.
After treatment:
The purpose of close follow-up of the treatment site is to ensure that the treatment goes as planned, as well as to prepare for the return trip and your rehabilitation.
The insurance includes rehabilitation prescribed by a specialist consultant and the rehabilitation is pre-approved by Vertikal Helse.
A clean bill of health:
Our goal is to provide the best possible medical treatment so that you return to work as soon as possible.
Second opinion:
The insured is entitled to a second medical opinion on a diagnosis by another specialist consultant. Vertikal Helse will provide a medical specialist consultant who will reassess the insured's diagnosis and treatment.
Deletion of information:
Upon termination of treatment, the case will be closed and the insured may on his own initiative request that documents containing their own health information be sent. Otherwise, the medical information will be deleted in accordance with applicable laws.
Health Phone
The health phone is serviced by experienced nurses and doctors who provides quality assured advise related your health issue and the doctors can provide prescriptions and referrals. You should not call Helsetelefonen if you should have questions related to your health insurance.
All employees at Helsetelefonen have more than 10 years of experience from public and/or private healthcare. Several have long experience from emergency care.
Newly-baked parents have many questions, here you can get tips and advice. Or you may be traveling and have questions about vaccines. Fever, rash unsure what to do? Some examples of what you can get help on the Health Phone - please call us at 21 49 24 01.